You are here: 2. General Ledger > 2.8. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 2.8.1. Maintenance - Change GL Accounts > Changing a Batch of GL Account Numbers

Changing a Batch of GL Account Numbers

GL account numbers can be changed in a batch from a prepared file that contains the old GL account number and the new GL account number in a standard ASCII comma delimited format (a CSV file). This file would normally be created using a text editor or spreadsheet such as Excel. The expected format for the CSV file is as follows:

Old GL Account Number, New GL Account Number

To import the GL account numbers to be changed from a CSV file:


Micronet displays the Change GL Accounts screen.

  1. Select EDIT | FILE.

Micronet disables the individual warehouse fields.

  1. Complete the following field:






Select whether you want to save the old GL accounts in the GL Accounts master file. Options are:

  • Change Old to New - move the old GL account numbers to the new GL account numbers (deleting the old accounts)
  • Merge Old Into New - create a duplicate of the old GL account with the new GL account number (saving the old GL account).
  1. Select FILE | START.

Micronet displays the standard Windows Open screen.

  1. Find and select the CSV file containing your changes to GL account numbers and select Open.

Micronet processes the requested GL account number changes, creating an output file of the same name as your CSV file but with a .err extension. This output file contains all errors along with the process date and time stamp.



Do not attempt to stop the process once started or data corruption may occur.